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Stop & Shop A+ Rewards
Stop & Shop will donate a portion of the money you spend at their stores to the Wayland School of your choice if you link your Rewards Card to your preferred school. This program runs from October through March. Follow this link and enter the code of your preferred school (see below) to GET FREE MONEY for Wayland schools. If you registered last year, please check to make sure your card is still linked to the school. The school codes are as follows:
- WHS 09943
- Middle School 09946
- Claypit 09942
- Happy Hollow 09944
- Loker 09945
- Box Tops for Education
You can find Box Tops on hundreds of products from grocery stores and online. Simply clip the logo and send to your school’s main office. The school will earn $0.10 for every box top collected!
- Green Team Textile Recycling
Wayland’s Green Team has partnered with Bay State Textiles to keep recyclable clothing, shoes and linens out of landfills. Don’t throw these items in the trash! 95% of textiles can be recycled or reused, in any condition!
Please bag all of your outgrown shoes, clothing and old linens at your school’s dropbox, conveniently located near the pick-up/drop-off line! For a complete list of acceptable items for recycling, click here.
- Amazon Smile –
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.Register Here for AmazonSmile and choose “Wayland Public Schools Parent Teacher Organization, Inc.” as your designated charity.Then, shop at Smile.Amazon.Com where you will find the exact same shopping experience as on