Welcome to the Wayland High School Parent Teacher Organization (“WHS PTO”) website! All families of students attending Wayland High School are members of WHS PTO. With your annual financial support and volunteerism, WHS PTO provides many resources, services and programs for the benefit of WHS students, staff and community. Here are just a few examples of how WHS PTO makes a difference at WHS:
Support Students
- Resources for clubs and classrooms
- Refresh of classroom libraries
- Hands-on materials for special education
- Academic and service awards
- Support for Winter Week
- Career Day for juniors
Inspire Staff
- Faculty grants
- Faculty and staff appreciation
- Teacher awards from alumni
Build Community
- School beautification and green activities
- Online family directory
- The CHAT Hour parent enrichment
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to our fundraising program Gift Your Child, to help maintain the programs that make such a positive impact on our students, staff and community. Our programs are solely supported by the funds we raise from WHS families. There are no other fundraisers for WHS PTO and all funds benefit only WHS.