Claypit Hill PTO Board Meeting
October 19, 2016
- President Holly Landsittel called PTO Board meeting to order at 9:05am at Claypit Hill School (CHS).
- Members in attendance: Holly Lindsittel, President; Alissa Duffy, Vice President; Elizabeth Shine (Eli), Treasurer; Katherine Bassick- Secretary; Marni Canterbury; Emily Weintraub; Shirra Baston; Jean Prince; Sejal T. Srinivasan; Amy Ferrer; Cindy Reardon; Liz Malgari; Nicole Jaras; Amber Magin and Hannah Magid, PTO Teacher’s representative. A quorum was reached.
President’s Report
Holly Landsittel started the meeting by welcoming everyone, distributing the meeting agenda and taking a vote to approve the September PTO board minutes.
Review of Events
- Picture Day – Due to the rain, picture day was inside and all went well.
- Room Parent Intro Night – During the Room Parent Intro Night the holiday gift giving for the teachers, specialists and staff was discussed. Overall people like the idea of pooling funds to cover costs and help to make sure that everyone who teaches and works at the school is included. However, some people prefer to give personal gifts from their families. While the Wayland gift giving policy will be followed, Holly is following up with Loker and Happy Hallow to learn best practices regarding holiday gift giving. The discussion will be continued at the Nov. PTO meeting.
- PTO Labels – Creative concepts for the PTO logo were developed and passed around for review. The logo creative concepts were designed to help raise awareness for the PTO and can potentially be leveraged for bumper decals, water bottles, tee shirts, signage and etc… as future needs and opportunities arise. In addition to the new labels in development, it was learned that there might be an inventory of existing stickers available. Holly and Eli are exploring further and will follow up at the Nov. PTO meeting.
New Items
- Claypit PTO Facebook– Be sure to “like” the Wayland PTO on Facebook. All Lost and Found items will be posted here (in addition to hanging on the clothing rack near the front office).
- Lost and Found– As mentioned above, all Lost and Found items are hanging up on a clothing rack near the front office. Please collect your child’s lost items BEFORE Thanksgiving Day break as items will be donated over the break (all items will be gone before the start of school on 11/28/16).
Upcoming Events
- K – 2 Movie Night – Bring blankets & pizza to movie night to watch Zootopia on 10/21. Popcorn and water will be provided. Please sign-up to help volunteer with set – up and/or clean – up.
- Book Fair – The Scholastic book fair starts on 10/21, the same night as Movie Night (which will help to raise awareness and kick start sales among movie night attendees.)
- Kindergarten Play Date – The play date is being held on 11/6 from 11:30 – 12:30, and features a scavenger hunt, stickers, leaf activity and lots of play. Cider and donuts will be served.
- Holiday Gift Drive – This annual gift drive is through the Framingham DCF. CHS sponsored 50 children last year and ended up reaching 75 foster children due to the strong response by CHS families. The program will be kicked off before Thanksgiving. Look for flyers and e-communications on how to get involved.
GYC Update/Treasury Update
- The 2nd push of the Gift Your Child campaign is about to kick off. To-date approximately 30% of families have contributed. We are looking to increase participation amongst families (any amount that a family can contribute is of value and is appreciated).
- Eli Shine was voted in as Treasurer by the Board on October 30, 2016.
GYC Update/Treasury Update, con’t.
- Holly and Eli spoke to the need of building back up the PTO reserves. A few ideas and options are being explored and an update will be provided at the Nov. PTO meeting.
New Ideas
- Staff Room – A refrigerator was donated to the Staff Room.
- Wish List Timing – The timing of this program was discussed and exploring ways for it work synergistically with other programs like the WPSF. For example, the WPSF program may fund some of the wish list items first. This would allow the PTO to focus on remaining items.
- Co-Chairs – The use of incorporating co-chairs into how we organize the PTO was brought up as a way to help with transitions (from one person to another) as well as helps to lessen the concern about time constraints.
Meeting adjourned by Holly Landsittel at 10:16am.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Katherine Bassick
PTO Secretary, Claypit Hill School