

The PTO is a service-oriented organization composed of all parents/guardians and teachers of Claypit Hill students. The purposes and precepts of the PTO are set forth in the bylaws.


(Adopted by the PTO on Sept. 26, 1989 and amended on Oct. 9, 1990 and May 31,2000)


The name of this organization shall be the Claypit Hill Parent Teacher Organization (hereafter referred to as “the Organization”).


The primary purposes of the Organization are:

  • To promote communication and cooperation between parents, teachers, the administration and the School Committee for the resulting benefit to the students of Claypit Hill Elementary School.
  • Through fundraising efforts consistent with these bylaws, to endeavor to provide financial    support for activities or materials which will directly contribute to the quality of education at Claypit Hill Elementary School, the Wayland Public Schools, or the Wayland student  population in general.


Membership in the Organization shall consist of all parents and guardians of students enrolled at Claypit Hill Elementary School and staff therein. A voluntary contribution rate shall be set by the Executive Board annually. This contribution shall be solicited at such time and place as shall be determined by the Executive Board.


The Executive Board of the Organization (hereafter referred to as “the Board”) shall consist of the officers of the Organization, as well as those Committee Chairpersons whom the officers by majority vote, may wish to appoint to the Board. The appointment of any Committee Chairpersons as Board members shall be announced at the first annual meeting or general meeting following the appointment of those Chairpersons to the Board, in order that this appointment shall be duly recorded in the minutes of said meeting.


The officers of the Organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They shall be elected by majority vote at the Annual Meeting and hold office until the next Annual Meeting. Any vacancy that occurs during the year shall be filled by appointment of the Board.

President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Organization and the Board at which he/she may be present, After consultation with the Board, the President may create committees and appoint Committee Chairpersons to assist the Organization in achieving its purpose. The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. The President shall perform any additional duties and exercise additional powers as may be assigned to him/her by the Board.

Vice President: The Vice President shall act as aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of that officer.

Secretary: The Secretary shall keep an accurate written record of the annual meeting and all general meetings of the Organization, including the number of members in attendance when a vote is taken and minutes of meetings. He/she shall perform any additional duties as shall be directed by the Board.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all moneys of the Organization. He/she shall make expenditures out of the Organization’s funds only as authorized by the Organization or the Board and only for purposes consistent with these bylaws. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate written record of receipts and expenditures. He/she shall present a statement of account of the Organization at general meetings, and shall perform any additional duties as shall be directed by the Board.


  • The annual meeting of the members of the organization shall be held prior to the last day of school: the specific date, time and place to be set forth in a written notice sent to all members at least seven days prior to the meeting date. The primary purpose of the annual meeting shall be to elect a slate of officers for the forthcoming year.
  • Other (general”) meetings may be called from time to time by the Board upon reasonable notice to all members of the Organization stating the date, time and place of the meeting. Except in emergency situations, at least seven days prior notice shall be provided for general meetings.
  • Committee meetings or Board meetings shall be held at the discretion of the involved Committee Chairpersons, or the Board.


  • The Organization shall expend moneys only in support of activities or materials which will directly contribute to the quality of education at Claypit Hill Elementary School, the Wayland Public Schools, or the Wayland student population in general.
  • Moneys shall be expended only for those purposes for which they have been allocated, with three exceptions: (1) So long as moneys have been properly allocated to the PTO Working Budget and to    the extent that the moneys are still available there, moneys may be expended at any time from the Working Budget for expenses related to fundraising activities or any other normal operating expenses incurred by the PTO; (2) Costs which are incurred in excess of an allocation may be reimbursed from the PTO Working Budget, and (3) Moneys originally allocated for the preceding school year, but which were not spent during that school year shall be considered still allocated for the same purpose for the current school year.
  • Allocation of funds shall occur only at general meetings, or at the annual meeting. Decisions at a general meeting or the annual meeting shall be by vote of a majority of those present. If less than ten members are in attendance when a vote is taken, that vote must be ratified by majority vote of the Board at said meeting or within two weeks of said vote; otherwise, the vote shall be deemed invalid.
  • Revision of these bylaws shall be made only in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article VIII below.


The bylaws may be amended by a vote of at least two thirds of those present at an annual or general meeting of the Organization. Bylaws may be amended only if at least ten members are in attendance, including at least three members of the Executive Board. Written notice of a proposed amendment to the bylaws shall be sent to the membership at least seven days prior to the meeting at which such proposed amendment is to be considered.